5 Things Your Cat Hates (and Wishes You’d Change!)

Cat owners know the unique joys and challenges of life with cats. You want the best for your cat, but sometimes figuring out what these notoriously fickle creatures want and need can feel like dancing on the tip of a pin!
Still, we adore cats at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center and we’ve seen a thing or two over the many years we’ve been taking care of our clients’ cats. We’ve come up with the top 5 things cats hate and what you, as a loving owner, can do about it!
5 Things Your Cat Hates
- A dirty litter box – No one wants to use a dirty toilet and cats are no different. Make it a point to scoop your cat’s litter box each day, and wash and dry the box and replace with fresh litter every week or two. Keep multiple cats happy by providing one litter box per cat, plus one extra per cat. Our rule of thumb for happy cats is two boxes per cat.
- Being lonely – Cats may be independent and aloof but, interestingly, they still crave attention and company as much as any other family member, two-legged or four. Cats can become depressed, lethargic, or stressed if left alone too long. So make sure you carve out time in the morning before you leave for the day and after you come home to play with and interact with your cat.
- Overstimulation – Does your cat suddenly scratch, bite, or get up and leave during a petting session? Too much petting, petting in the wrong spot, petting when the cat isn’t ready can all cause overstimulation, and a subsequent undesirable reaction. Learn to read your cat’s body language and quit while you’re ahead. When the ears pin back, the skin starts twitching, or your cat starts looking sharply at your hand, your cat has had enough.
- Going into the carrier – If your cat despises its carrier, is isn’t alone. Cats visit the veterinarian far less frequently than dogs, mostly due to the inherent difficulty in getting them in the carrier and the unpleasant car ride that follows. This can be remedied! Crate training your cat is the ideal way to keep everyone’s stress level down, while making sure your cat is transported safely and securely, no matter the destination.
- Change – Cats are creatures of habit and even small changes to their environment or routine can be quite upsetting to them. A continually distressed cat can develop a health problem or annoying behavior, such as urinating or defecating outside of the litter box. Strive to keep your cat’s environment and routine as consistent as possible, and when a change is needed make it gradually, so your cat has time to adapt without feeling threatened. Always provide plenty of reassurance that everything is still OK.
Do you have a question or concern about your feline companion? Don’t hesitate to contact us at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center. We’re here every day to help your cat live well.