Hitchin’ A Ride: The Case for Flea and Tick Prevention

A dog being given a flea and tick prevention

Spring is a notoriously fickle time in Colorado. One day, we’re enjoying temperatures in the 60s, and the next day we’re hit with a snow storm! This variation between cold and warm weather can make it easy to ignore your pet’s parasite prevention. Unfortunately, a little spring snow isn’t enough to keep fleas and ticks at bay for long. Although they may seem inactive during a cold spell, it only takes a few 50 to 60 degree days for parasites to become active again.

Pets most often pick up fleas and ticks outdoors after these parasites drop from other animals onto the ground, grass, or shrubs. Even indoor pets face exposure when people carry the parasites inside on their clothing. Typically, these parasites go unnoticed until they bite your pet, causing itching, skin rashes, and hair loss. Or, as with a tick, you’ve discovered a little round bump on your pet that wasn’t there a few days before.        


Heartworm Disease: A Growing Threat in Colorado

A dog trying to sniff a bug

If you’re a longtime Denver area resident, you’ve surely noticed how much the metro area has grown over the past 10 years. And, our population growth continues to extend outward beyond the city and surrounding suburban areas.

While Colorado’s popularity as a great place to live is mostly a good thing, it also affects us in ways that we may not think of, such as how it affects our pets. With more and more people and pets moving here, the number of heartworm disease cases seen by local veterinarians has increased every year.
