Posts in Category: Pet Grooming & Style
The Ins and Outs of a Sedated Grooming

What Is Seating Grooming?
Sedated grooming involves administering mild sedation to ensure a smooth and stress-free grooming experience for both pets and groomers. Most pets can be professionally groomed without sedation. However, there are some who require this procedure.
Candidates for Sedated Grooming
Candidates for sedated grooming include pets that struggle with aggression, easily stressed and those who struggle with physical pain due to heavy matting.
Continue…Why Do My Dog’s Feet Smell Like Fritos?

Have you ever noticed that your dog’s feet smell like Fritos or corn chips? Often referred to as ‘Frito’ feet, its term for the corn chip smell that comes from a dog’s paws.
At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we never shy away from life’s tough questions! Read below as we tackle the strangely pleasant phenomenon of why your dog’s feet smell like Fritos.
Continue…Help! Why Does My Dog Have Stinky Fur?

Do you have an adorable, furry, four-legged stinker on your hands? While some level of ‘doggy smell’ is to be expected from our canine companions, truly stinky fur may be cause for concern.
Our team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center doesn’t shy away from malodorous topics and can help you get to the bottom of your pup’s smelly situation!
Common Causes of Stinky Fur
Regular bathing and brushing will go a long way toward cutting down on normal doggy odors. Check with your veterinarian to see how often your dog should be bathed (we carry hypoallergenic pet shampoos for home bathing in our lobby retail store).
Continue…Ins and Outs of Anal Sacs

Does your dog regularly scoot its cute backside across the living room floor?
Do you occasionally notice an unpleasant, musky odor in the air or spot a brown streak on the carpet?
Have you noticed your pet obsessively licking its rear end?
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, your pet’s anal sacs may be to blame.
While not the most exciting topic, knowing what the anal sacs are and how to properly care for them is an important component of your pet’s care.
Continue…Healthy and Clean: Why Home Cat Grooming is so Important

Cats are clean by nature. In fact, it can sometimes seem that your cat spends half its time washing its face and ears, smoothing down fur, cleaning out paw pads, and generally keeping him or herself beautiful.
Regardless of how well your cat takes care of itself, most cats can benefit from a little help. Home cat grooming can help you keep a close eye on your cat’s haircoat, skin, and nails, as well as decrease hairballs by removing loose fur. It can also help deepen the bond you share with your feline companion. Finally, home grooming can help ward off that dreaded visit (by your cat) to the groomer to correct matting and other problems that can result when regular maintenance needs are not addressed.
Continue…Cozy Toes: The Principles of Winter Paw Protection

Our pets rely on their paws to transport them everywhere they need to go and in all types of weather, and it is easy to assume that their paws can withstand whatever Mother Nature throws at them. Unfortunately, cracked pads, frostbite, chemical burns, and more present numerous hazards to the well-being of our pet’s paws, especially, this time of year. With this in mind, the team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center would like to walk you through the basics of winter paw protection for your furry loved one!
Adorable Anatomy
Paw pads are some of the cutest parts of any pet, but they also serve many important functions. Pads provide cushioning and shock absorption by protecting the ligaments, tendons, and bones from the impact of walking and running. They also provide insulation from hot and cold surfaces, as well as traction when a pet traverses across varying types of terrain. As if that’s not enough, paw pads also protect our pets against bacteria, parasites, and other nasty contaminants present on any surface or terrain they come in contact with.
Over time or as a pet matures, the surface of the pads will become more tolerant to heat, cold, and rough surfaces. That doesn’t mean, however, that they don’t need some additional protection and care during the winter months, especially, when exposed to extreme cold, ice, and chemical de-icers.
Continue…Fancy Feet: The Importance of Pet Nail Trimming
Have you been hearing the telltale click of Fido’s nails on your kitchen floor lately? Has Whiskers taken to shredding the corner of the leather sofa again? If so, it may be time to trim your pet’s nails.
For many pets and their owners, pet nail trimming can be a task that invokes fear and dread. Your friends at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center understand your apprehension and want to help you get started on this important health and wellness task.