Posts in Category: The Cat’s Meow
Keeping Your Cat Calm At Vet Visits

Keeping your cat calm during vet visits can be challenging. But with some preparation and care, you can make the experience less stressful for both of you. Below are tips to make the visit to the vet more tolerable.
Continue…Working From Home? A New Look At Your Pet’s Behavior

For many pet owners, working from home has become more commonplace. While this new dynamic may present many challenges for human families, there’s one family member that probably likes it—your pet, of course!
It’s no mystery that pet ownership sometimes has its challenges, but being around our pets 24 hours a day, every day, may provide new perspective on this relationship. Not only is there the unique companionship that a pet adds to the workday, you might be gaining new insight into your pet’s behavior and needs. You may also discover that you now have to strike a balance between showing your pet attention and getting your work done.
Continue…Help! My Cat Won’t Eat!

Cat owners typically know when their cat is hungry. Constant meows, chirps, and the circling around your legs are often first clues. Yet, after all that fussing and the meal now in the bowl, it can be surprising and even frustrating when your cat decides not to eat it.
What’s going on when your cat won’t eat? There are several possibilities and they deserve an owner’s attention and action.
Continue…Kitten Care Basics

So you’ve taken the plunge and adopted a new kitten – congratulations! Get ready to be entertained, delighted, and perhaps a little frustrated… at times. Most of all, if you haven’t already, be prepared to fall head over heels for your adorable new friend!
These early days and weeks with your new little furball are fleeting and at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we want to help you get a great start by sharing some of our favorite kitten care tips. After all, making sure your kitten is a happy, healthy, and a well-adjusted member of your family is a top priority!
Continue…5 Things Your Cat Hates (and Wishes You’d Change!)

Cat owners know the unique joys and challenges of life with cats. You want the best for your cat, but sometimes figuring out what these notoriously fickle creatures want and need can feel like dancing on the tip of a pin!
Still, we adore cats at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center and we’ve seen a thing or two over the many years we’ve been taking care of our clients’ cats. We’ve come up with the top 5 things cats hate and what you, as a loving owner, can do about it!
The Reverse Sneeze: What It Is And When To Worry

You are minding your own business, when out of nowhere comes the odd, surprising, and utterly weird sound of honking or wheezy snorting from your dog. You run to your pet’s aid, only to discover that he or she is perfectly fine, standing there as though nothing has happened. But what did happen? Do you call us or drop everything and rush your pet in as an emergency?
It is likely that what your pet just experienced is known as paroxysmal respiration, more commonly called “reverse sneezing”. Hearing a reverse sneeze can certainly be alarming, but it’s often a normal occurrence for a dog or cat.
Continue…What is Your Cat’s Tail Trying to Tell You?

We may not speak the same language as our cats, but that doesn’t mean they can’t communicate effectively with us. While often appearing independent and aloof, cats are constantly communicating their mood, likes, and dislikes with us through that beautiful hind-end appendage, their tail!
When you know what to look for, a cat’s tail can be a wealth of information. With careful observation, and a little help from us at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, you’ll be understanding “cat speak” in no time!
Continue…Healthy and Clean: Why Home Cat Grooming is so Important

Cats are clean by nature. In fact, it can sometimes seem that your cat spends half its time washing its face and ears, smoothing down fur, cleaning out paw pads, and generally keeping him or herself beautiful.
Regardless of how well your cat takes care of itself, most cats can benefit from a little help. Home cat grooming can help you keep a close eye on your cat’s haircoat, skin, and nails, as well as decrease hairballs by removing loose fur. It can also help deepen the bond you share with your feline companion. Finally, home grooming can help ward off that dreaded visit (by your cat) to the groomer to correct matting and other problems that can result when regular maintenance needs are not addressed.
Continue…Whisker Fatigue in Cats

Whisker Fatigue is a term you may not have heard of. Whisker fatigue is actually a condition among cats that can cause significant stress.
The Incredible Whisker
It’s hard to imagine a cat without a set of luxurious, adorable whiskers. The primary function of whiskers is to serve as touch receptors that tell a cat a great deal about the world around them.
Whiskers transmit information about a cat’s environment via tiny sensory organs known as proprioceptors. These organs are located at the base of each whisker. They help cats navigate their environment in the dark, hunt for prey and determine whether or not they can fit into a tight space.
Continue…The Many Benefits of Cat Ownership

The benefits of cat ownership extend well beyond the joy of companionship (although that’s important too!). At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we absolutely adore cats of all ages and breeds, which is why we want to share our thoughts on why your cat is good for both your mental and physical health.
Health Benefits of Cat Ownership
It’s generally accepted that there are health benefits associated with owning a dog, but cat owners also reap the physical benefits of spending time with their feline companions: