5 Things Your Cat Hates (and Wishes You’d Change!)

A grumpy-looking cat on the floor

Cat owners know the unique joys and challenges of life with cats. You want the best for your cat, but sometimes figuring out what these notoriously fickle creatures want and need can feel like  dancing on the tip of a pin!

Still, we adore cats at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center and we’ve seen a thing or two over the many years we’ve been taking care of our clients’ cats. We’ve come up with the top 5 things cats hate and what you, as a loving owner, can do about it!


The Reverse Sneeze: What It Is And When To Worry

The Reverse Sneeze

You are minding your own business, when out of nowhere comes the odd, surprising, and utterly weird sound of honking or wheezy snorting from your dog. You run to your pet’s aid, only to discover that he or she is perfectly fine, standing there as though nothing has happened. But what did happen? Do you call us or drop everything and rush your pet in as an emergency?

It is likely that what your pet just experienced is known as paroxysmal respiration, more commonly called “reverse sneezing. Hearing a reverse sneeze can certainly be alarming, but it’s often a normal occurrence for a dog or cat. 


What is Your Cat’s Tail Trying to Tell You?

Cat with tail up

We may not speak the same language as our cats, but that doesn’t mean they can’t communicate effectively with us. While often appearing independent and aloof, cats are constantly communicating their mood, likes, and dislikes with us through that beautiful hind-end appendage, their tail!

When you know what to look for, a cat’s tail can be a wealth of information. With careful observation, and a little help from us at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, you’ll be understanding “cat speak” in no time!


Dog Parks: Are They Right For Your Dog?

A pair of Jack Russell Terriers playing in the park

It sounds like a great idea – take your dog to a large, fenced-in area where it can run free with other canine friends. You get to skip the daily walk, check your email, maybe chat with other dog owners, then leave with an exhausted-but-happy dog. What could be better?

Dog parks can be big on the convenience factor for us humans, but being in close proximity to lots of other dogs can also present some problems for your dog. Before taking your pup to the park, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons, so we at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center have some important points for you to consider.


Best Friends Forever: Keeping Kids and Pets Safe Together

Kids and pets are adorable!

Growing up with a pet holds fond memories for many of us, and if you’re raising your own two and four-legged family, congratulations! Having a pet in the home is a wonderful experience for most children, and the benefits can be quite profound. Living with pets can promote empathy, compassion, self-esteem, nurturing skills, and a sense of responsibility.

Yet, while kids and pets make the cutest of buddies, it’s surprisingly easy for one or both of them to become injured by the other. To keep everyone safe, special care should be taken to teach a child the right ways to interact with a furry friend. With these tips from the staff at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, you can better ensure that both your animal and human kids are safe and happy.


Differently-Abled, Definitely Wonderful: Dispelling Deaf Dog Myths

Caring for a deaf dog can live a long and happy life. There’s something special about dogs. Perhaps it’s their unwavering loyalty and devotion or their unique ability to read our emotions and body language. Maybe it’s the way they inspire joy in our lives every single day. Whatever the case, the bond between human and canine is awe-inspiring.

When most of us look at our dogs, we only see their inner light, and this is never more apparent than with deaf dogs. Unfortunately, deaf dog myths abound in our culture, but in reality, dogs of any ability level can lead happy, productive lives. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we’ve set out to dispel the top 5 deaf dog myths and to show our readers what these often misunderstood pets can do. Continue…

Cat Behavior Decoded: What Your Kitty Wants You to Know

Understanding cat behavior can be key in keeping your cat healthyFew companion animals are as captivating as the wonderfully delightful housecat. Their beauty, grace, and mysterious nature draws us to them, even if they don’t always return our affection when or how we want them to. Cat behavior is certainly perplexing, but by making a concerted effort to deepen our understanding of their instincts and desires, we can improve our relationships with them and create happier, more harmonious lives together.

Cat Behavior: Body Language

Cat behavior can range from cute to puzzling to downright annoying. It can be challenging to interpret what our cats want, but paying attention to their body language can give us clues as to what they’re thinking. Cats tend to show their affection for humans through head butting, twitching their tails, or rubbing their cheeks or bodies against us. Meowing is generally reserved for communication with humans and may signal hunger, happiness, or a desire to play. Continue…

School Daze: Back To School Blues In Pets

An airedale looking out a windowAs kids across the country head off to college, parents aren’t the only ones feeling the sting of an empty nest. When a family member is suddenly missing from daily life, a pet can also experience the back to school blues. Also referred to as separation anxiety, the back to school blues in pets can take a toll on a their sense of security and happiness.

Fortunately, there is plenty that an attentive pet owner can do to help ease the transition that occurs when a child leaves the home. Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is committed to helping you get your pet back on track!


Keep Them Close: The Perils of Off-Leash Walking

A woman with her older dogMost of us humans have an innate desire to experience the outdoors and explore it whenever we have the chance, and our dogs are no different. As a result, many owners often give in to the temptation of allowing their dogs to roam freely off-leash on walks and hikes in order to give them that same freewheeling experience.

Leash-walking dogs, in general, is a popular activity in our area because of the many accessible trails and open spaces that surround us, just waiting to be explored.  Along with this, however, is the growing problem of dogs being allowed off-leash when accompanying their owners in these very same places. Unfortunately, tragic incidents involving off-leash walking of dogs are becoming more and more of a problem, so it’s worth taking a look at whether or not the risks outweigh the benefits.


Sit, Ubu, Sit: What Makes a Good Dog?

good dogMany of us probably already have our own ideas about what makes a good dog. Your ideal dog might enjoy sitting on the couch, binge-watching Netflix with you, or perhaps your perfect canine companion is one who will join you on your daily 10 mile run. But is there really an ideal “good” dog?

Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center never shies away from tough topics, and we’re tackling this one head on!
