Posts in Category: You & Your Pet
When You Suffer, We Suffer: The Truth Behind Veterinary Staff Grief
It’s safe to say that the vast majority of veterinarians and veterinary support staff chose their line of work because they love animals and find joy and satisfaction in caring for them. Knowing that we are playing a role in helping and guiding our patients and their families through tough times makes the long hours, and sometimes sleepless nights, more than worth it.
But, like most things in life, veterinary medicine isn’t all puppies and kittens. There are the bad days, too, and having to bear witness to the loss of many beloved patients can take its toll on even the most cheerful among us. Veterinary staff grief is a real aspect of our profession, and deserves understanding and acknowledgement, in both our peers and our clients.
Snug As A Bug In A Rug: The Best Pet Beds
A recent survey conducted by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association found that 42 % of dog owners allow their pups to sleep on their beds. Given that, and our own experience to boot, we also feel that it’s safe to say that at least that many American dogs are making themselves at home on couches, chairs, and other furnishings, as well rather than pet beds.
School Daze: Back To School Blues In Pets
As kids across the country head off to college, parents aren’t the only ones feeling the sting of an empty nest. When a family member is suddenly missing from daily life, a pet can also experience the back to school blues. Also referred to as separation anxiety, the back to school blues in pets can take a toll on a their sense of security and happiness.
Fortunately, there is plenty that an attentive pet owner can do to help ease the transition that occurs when a child leaves the home. Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is committed to helping you get your pet back on track!
Pet Insurance: Is It Right for You?
As the field of veterinary medicine continues to advance, the costs associated with pet medical care are also on the rise. While it’s truly wonderful to be able to offer our beloved companion animals the best in medical treatment and life-extending procedures, the costs associated with modern technology can sometimes strain our financial resources.
Health insurance helps us to offset our medical bills, and in many cases pet insurance can provide similar peace of mind. Although pet insurance is not the right choice for everyone, it’s worth looking into and deciding for oneself if the benefits outweigh the risks.
When Words Aren’t Enough: How to Help Someone Who is Grieving the Death of a Pet
For many people, the loss of a beloved family pet is similar to losing a person. Although the status of companion animals in our society is elevated in comparison to previous generations, there remains a lack of understanding when it comes to the intense sadness that surrounds the death of a pet. Because of these societal influences, many pet owners don’t receive the support they need from family and friends when the time comes to say goodbye to their pets.
It can be difficult to know what to do or say when someone has experienced the death of a pet, but it’s important to remember that this is your opportunity to be there for a loved one in their time of need. We hope our guidelines can be of assistance in navigating this sensitive and important time.
Pet DNA Testing: The Inside Scoop
DNA testing for humans is nothing new. We regularly rely on the results of these types of tests to determine paternity, figure out our ancestry, and even check for the probability of developing certain inherited diseases. It only makes sense that, given the ease and relative low cost of genetic testing technology, that pet DNA testing would become a booming industry.
Keep Them Close: The Perils of Off-Leash Walking
Most of us humans have an innate desire to experience the outdoors and explore it whenever we have the chance, and our dogs are no different. As a result, many owners often give in to the temptation of allowing their dogs to roam freely off-leash on walks and hikes in order to give them that same freewheeling experience.
Leash-walking dogs, in general, is a popular activity in our area because of the many accessible trails and open spaces that surround us, just waiting to be explored. Along with this, however, is the growing problem of dogs being allowed off-leash when accompanying their owners in these very same places. Unfortunately, tragic incidents involving off-leash walking of dogs are becoming more and more of a problem, so it’s worth taking a look at whether or not the risks outweigh the benefits.
Sit, Ubu, Sit: What Makes a Good Dog?
Many of us probably already have our own ideas about what makes a good dog. Your ideal dog might enjoy sitting on the couch, binge-watching Netflix with you, or perhaps your perfect canine companion is one who will join you on your daily 10 mile run. But is there really an ideal “good” dog?
Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center never shies away from tough topics, and we’re tackling this one head on!
Green Grass, Happy Dog: Preventing Dog Urine Spots on Lawns
We love everything about our dogs, but we don’t always love some of the side effects of “doggie business”, such as those yellow or brown dog urine spots on the lawn. Not only do the spots make the yard look less attractive, they are also hard to get rid of. Add in two or more dogs, and you may be facing a completely dead lawn in the not too distant future.
Also called “lawn burn”, urine damage to lawns is a misunderstood problem that has generated a variety of commercial products and DIY remedies. We’ve broken down this common concern and have the scoop on how to prevent this unsightly situation.
What Causes Dog Urine Spots?
The yellow spots that develop after your dog urinates on your lawn are caused by the high concentration of nitrogen-containing compounds and associated salts that are naturally present in dog urine. It’s similar to putting too much fertilizer in a small spot on your lawn, which also causes lawn burn.
Plan the Perfect Pet-Friendly Party
Safety First
Be sure to take your pet’s unique personality into consideration. Pets who are prone to aggression, anxiety, or severe shyness probably aren’t good candidates for a gathering or party that includes them.
Pet-Friendly Party Tips
A pet-friendly party can bring out your pet’s inherent playfulness, provided you set the tone for safe fun ahead of time.
Before inviting people and pets to a party, ensure you have enough space. If space is limited, consider alternative venues in your community, such as a local park (remember to follow leash laws), a community center, or a doggy daycare.
Rest Area
If you’re hosting the party at home, make sure to have a designated area for potty breaks. You can either purchase a dog potty or build one yourself, depending on your preferences.
Guest List
As a thoughtful host, create a guest list that promotes a harmonious gathering. Invite furry friends your pet knows and enjoys spending time with. You can also use social media platforms like Facebook to send invitations to friends and family.
Pet-Friendly Decorations
Choose pet-friendly decorations to keep your pet safe, and place them out of reach. Additionally, have a safety plan in place just in case any mishaps occur.
Tasty Treats
Planning a pet-friendly birthday party includes preparing special treats that cater to both pets and humans. Here are some pet-approved recipes:
Fun & Games
Select an activity that will be enjoyable for both your guests and their pets. Games and activities should be simple and safe. Here is a list of activities for pets and people:
- Pet-Friendly Obstacle Course
- Treat Hunt
- Paw Painting
- Pet Fashion Show
- Pet Photo Booth
Hydration Station
Make sure there is a constant supply of fresh water available throughout the event. With all the excitement, pets can become easily dehydrated, so it’s important to keep water bowls accessible and plentiful for their health.
Quiet Time
Set up a designated area for pets to rest and relax if they get tired or need a break. Include comfy dog beds and blankets to provide them with a cozy spot to unwind.
Final Thoughts
We hope your pet-friendly bash is a huge success! Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to the staff at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center with any questions and concerns regarding your pets.