Calm, Cool, And Collected: Tips For Getting Your Cat To The Vet

White cat in a cage at vet's office.Taking your cat to the vet is probably low on your list of enjoyable activities. Between the struggle to get kitty into the carrier, the car ride, and the shenanigans that may ensue once you get your cat up on the examination table, getting kitty to the clinic can be quite an ordeal.

Although cats are the most popular pets in the U.S., they visit the veterinarian far less frequently than their canine counterparts. Due in part to the troubles many cat owners face when it’s time to take kitty to the clinic, it’s estimated that a third of pet cats did not visit the veterinarian for any reason last year. Continue…

Dog Bite Prevention: What You Need To Know

A dog looking up at their humanEach year, over 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs, and 1 in 5 of these injuries requires medical attention. These statistics may come as a surprise to dog owners who can’t imagine that their sweet pup would ever bite a human but, the truth is, any dog is capable of biting under the right circumstances.

With National Dog Bite Prevention Week right around the corner (May 22-28), now is the perfect opportunity to educate yourself and others about dog bite prevention. By learning about dog body language, proper training, socialization skills, and other important factors that may lead to being bitten, you can help to ensure an environment that is safe for both people and dogs. Continue…

The Fine Art Of Dog Walking

A yellow lab out for a walk with their human

Spring has arrived on the Front Range, and we couldn’t be more excited at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center! If the fresh breeze and beautiful scenery are calling you to get outside and explore, chances are your dog feels the same. What better way to celebrate the arrival of this delightful season than with an invigorating walk with your best pal?

The Benefits Of Dog Walking

Like us, our pets’ bodies are built to move. Pets and people alike can experience lethargy, depression, and other serious health issues when regular exercise and fresh air are neglected.

The advantages to picking up that leash and heading out the door on a regular basis are many: Continue…

Wonder Walkers: Truly A Walk In The Park

A yellow lab out in the grass with a harness on

We’ve all been there; it’s a beautiful spring day, the snow has finally melted, the flowers are in bloom, and you can’t wait to get out and walk your dog.

Unfortunately, trouble begins almost the minute you attach your pup’s leash to her collar. Your normally calm, well-mannered pooch is as excited to get outdoors as you are, and she immediately lurches away from you, nearly dislocating your shoulder in an attempt to investigate a particularly enticing aroma, only to be pulled back by you again and again.

Variations of the above scenario are a normal part of life for many dog owners, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is excited to share with you a product that helps make dog walking easy, safe, and fun for both you and your best pal: The Wonder Walker. Continue…

The Amazing Canine: A Spotlight On Professional Dogs

Pet Therapy Dog Visiting Female Patient In Hospital
The word “dog” conjures up a certain set of imagery for most of us: the friendly face and wagging tail that greet us at the door after a long day’s work; the childhood pet that romped with us in the yard; the furry friend who snuggles with us on the couch or in our beds each night.

The dog of yesteryear, however, was none of the above, or not exclusively, at least. There was a time in the not-too-distant past that it would have been unthinkable to allow Fido to jump up on the bed, much less come into the house at all. The evolution of humans and dogs are intertwined, and this interconnectedness is based on thousands of years of working together, side by side.

Although many modern dogs live in relative luxury, there are still plenty of “professional dogs” performing an incredibly diverse variety of tasks. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center we think these dogs are the cat’s meow (ok, maybe not the best choice of words…). Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of professional dogs! Continue…

The World’s Cutest Holiday: Celebrating National Puppy Day

LoneTree_iStock_000021470999_LargeHere at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we are gearing up for one of our favorite holidays! No, it’s not National Corn Dog Day on March 19th (although that one sounds pretty good to us too). We’re talking about National Puppy Day, March 23rd.

Animal behaviorist and author Colleen Paige founded national Puppy Day in 2006, as a way to encourage shelter puppy adoption, while also educating the public about abusive dog breeding practices. A lifelong animal lover, Paige also founded National Dog Day and National Cat Day. Continue…

The More You Know: Preventing Accidental Pet Poisoning

A beagle looking sadWe do everything we can to protect our pets from the dangers of the world; we walk them on leashes, have them microchipped, shelter them from the elements, feed them nutritious diets, and bring them in for regular wellness exams. In our efforts to keep our pets safe, many of us overlook the potential for accidental pet poisoning in and around our homes.

March 20th marks the beginning of National Poison Prevention Week. While this event is intended to educate the public about the dangers of accidental poisonings in children, we’d like to take the opportunity to extend this awareness to include our pets. Continue…