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The Allergic Dilemma: Best Pets For Pet Allergy Sufferers
An estimated 15% of people have a pet allergy, with cats being the most common perpetrators, followed closely by dogs. Fortunately, having a pet allergy doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have a pet!
With a little bit of research and planning, many allergic pet owners have successfully intertwined their lives with a four-legged friend.
Understanding Your Pet Allergy
Dander, tiny flecks of skin shed by dogs, cats, rodents, and birds, is the most common pet allergy trigger. Other pet-related particles, including saliva, urine, and feces, can release particles into the air when dried, which can be inhaled and trigger allergic symptoms. Continue…
Don’t Forget The Little Guys: Pocket Pet Wellness Care
It’s been said that good things come in small packages, and pocket pet owners couldn’t agree more.
Rabbits, Guinea pigs, gerbils, ferrets, lizards, and other small animals have been steadily increasing in popularity as pets for children and families. Because they are smaller and seem easier to care for than traditional family pets such as dogs and cats, many pet owners don’t realize that their pocket pet needs routine veterinary care, too.
Why Pocket Pet Wellness Care Is Important
The truth is, small and exotic pets derive all of the same benefits from regular checkups as their canine and feline counterparts. Along with making sure they’re in good health, check-ups for pocket pet wellness is an opportunity to take care of cosmetic maintenance issues that are not possible to do at home. Continue…
Is My Cat Normal? —The Truth About Hairballs
Hairballs are an unfortunate part of life for most cat owners. That low, hacking sound you can hear from anywhere in the house is the telltale sign that kitty is about to deposit hairballs in the least convenient place possible.
While it’s easy to assume that coughing or vomiting in cats is caused by a hairball, this isn’t always the case. Frequent coughing or vomiting in cats is not normal, and may indicate an underlying health problem.
Hairballs 101
Hairballs are the result of undigested hair left over from our cats’ fastidious grooming habits. Hairballs (also known by their scientific name “trichobezoars”) are not actually ball shaped; rather they are cylindrical, taking the shape of the cat’s esophagus as they are regurgitated. No cat is immune to hairballs, but longhaired varieties are certainly more prone. Continue…
Kind Kitties: Cat Bite Prevention Tips
It’s a common scenario: One minute your sweet kitty is snuggled in your lap, purring away as you absentmindedly stroke his or her soft fur, and the next thing you know your little buddy has turned on you and is now ferociously biting the hand that was petting it so gently just seconds before. You shout, leap to your feet, knock over your beverage. Kitty darts off your lap and out of the room, leaving both of you shaken and annoyed.
This strange behavior is certainly perplexing, but by focusing on a variety of cat bite prevention techniques you may be able to mitigate your cat’s aggression, and create a calmer, more peaceful environment that both you and kitty can enjoy. Continue…
Fireworks, Thunder, And Lightning, Oh My! : Helping Your Pet Cope With Noise Related Anxiety This Summer
There’s nothing like summer in Colorado. Observing the distant flashes of lightning, the rumble of thunder, and the smell of rain in the air. Summer wouldn’t be the same without a good fireworks display (or two, or three) come July. However, many pet owners struggle with their pets’ noise-related anxiety every summer.
While we may enjoy the noisy aspects of summer, our pets likely do not. With their highly sensitive hearing and instinct to flee from danger, extremely loud noises from thunderstorms and fireworks can cause animals to panic. Continue…
Heart To Heart: The Importance Of Heartworm Prevention
Calm, Cool, And Collected: Tips For Getting Your Cat To The Vet
Taking your cat to the vet is probably low on your list of enjoyable activities. Between the struggle to get kitty into the carrier, the car ride, and the shenanigans that may ensue once you get your cat up on the examination table, getting kitty to the clinic can be quite an ordeal.
Although cats are the most popular pets in the U.S., they visit the veterinarian far less frequently than their canine counterparts. Due in part to the troubles many cat owners face when it’s time to take kitty to the clinic, it’s estimated that a third of pet cats did not visit the veterinarian for any reason last year. Continue…
Pet Microchipping: Using Technology To Bring Your Pet Home
Becoming separated from a beloved pet is a scary thought for responsible pet owners everywhere. Most of us do whatever we can to prevent our pets from becoming lost; leashed walks, fenced-in yards, keeping pets indoors, the list goes on. But despite our best efforts, accidents can and do happen, and even the best behaved pet can wind up missing.
Having your pet microchipped may be the best way to increase the odds of being reunited with your pet, should he or she become lost. Continue…
Dog Bite Prevention: What You Need To Know
Each year, over 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs, and 1 in 5 of these injuries requires medical attention. These statistics may come as a surprise to dog owners who can’t imagine that their sweet pup would ever bite a human but, the truth is, any dog is capable of biting under the right circumstances.
With National Dog Bite Prevention Week right around the corner (May 22-28), now is the perfect opportunity to educate yourself and others about dog bite prevention. By learning about dog body language, proper training, socialization skills, and other important factors that may lead to being bitten, you can help to ensure an environment that is safe for both people and dogs. Continue…
When It’s Time To Say Goodbye: Coping With Pet Loss
The death of a beloved pet is arguably the most difficult and heart wrenching aspect of pet ownership. We all know it’s inevitable, but there’s nothing that can prepare us for the deep grief and sense of loss that accompanies saying goodbye to a cherished companion.
Sadly, few pet owners allow themselves the time and space to truly mourn the passing of a special furry friend. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we have found that taking the time to honor your pet, in a way that is meaningful to you individually or as a family, can help you to heal in a healthy way. Continue…