Easter Pet Safety: The Dangers Of Chocolate And Xylitol

aster Pet Safety: The Dangers Of Chocolate And XylitolFor many families, Easter is a wonderful, celebratory time spent in the company of family and friends. Easter baskets, egg hunts, and big family get togethers often mark this special Sunday.

While fun for us, all holidays pose a special set of risks to our furry friends. Take a moment to learn about Easter pet safety and what you can do to ensure a safe environment for your pets on this holiday.

Why No Chocolate?

By now, most pet owners are aware that dogs should never be given chocolate. Although this is becoming common knowledge, pet poison hotlines and veterinary clinics around the country report a huge increase in calls regarding dogs ingesting chocolate during the week of Easter. But just why is chocolate bad for dogs? Continue…

The World’s Cutest Holiday: Celebrating National Puppy Day

LoneTree_iStock_000021470999_LargeHere at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we are gearing up for one of our favorite holidays! No, it’s not National Corn Dog Day on March 19th (although that one sounds pretty good to us too). We’re talking about National Puppy Day, March 23rd.

Animal behaviorist and author Colleen Paige founded national Puppy Day in 2006, as a way to encourage shelter puppy adoption, while also educating the public about abusive dog breeding practices. A lifelong animal lover, Paige also founded National Dog Day and National Cat Day. Continue…

The More You Know: Preventing Accidental Pet Poisoning

A beagle looking sadWe do everything we can to protect our pets from the dangers of the world; we walk them on leashes, have them microchipped, shelter them from the elements, feed them nutritious diets, and bring them in for regular wellness exams. In our efforts to keep our pets safe, many of us overlook the potential for accidental pet poisoning in and around our homes.

March 20th marks the beginning of National Poison Prevention Week. While this event is intended to educate the public about the dangers of accidental poisonings in children, we’d like to take the opportunity to extend this awareness to include our pets. Continue…

Pet Socialization: Starting Off On The Right Paw

Several puppies in the outdoorsWhen we think about what it means to raise a happy, healthy dog or cat, some things immediately come to mind: a nutritious diet, regular wellness care, vaccinations, and daily exercise.

Few pet owners think of socialization as a vital aspect of pet ownership, but the truth is, proper pet socialization is the backbone of your companion animal’s emotional health and physical safety.

What Is Pet Socialization?

Pet socialization is the process by which your pet learns how to be a part of human society. Some of your pet’s socialization will happen naturally as you move through daily life together, but it’s important to make sure that he or she is exposed to a variety of people, places, animals, noises, and smells early on in life. Continue…

A Spotlight On Feline Illness: How To Tell If Your Cat Is Sick

Sad catMost cat owners are aware of their cat’s love of hiding…boxes, paper bags, cupboards, under the bed; it seems that no place is off limits to a curious feline. For their survival in the wild, cats have also evolved to hide signs of illness and injury from other animals. Unfortunately for modern cats, those “other animals” are often their human companions.

Because cats are so stoic when it comes to illness, and often don’t display obvious signs that something is wrong until the condition has become advanced, it’s up to us cat owners to do the detective work necessary in order to figure out if our cat is sick. Continue…

Growing Old Gracefully: Optimal Wellness For Your Senior Pet

LoneTreeSenior_iStock_000066388587_Large (1)Thanks to significant advances in veterinary medicine, along with a respect for animals not seen in previous generations, pets are living longer than ever before. Although our adult pets may be active, playful, and in good health, many of us are not aware that after 6 or 7 years of age most cats and dogs are considered seniors.

Senior pets, just like senior humans, need extra care and attention to help them live the best lives possible. Changes in physical and mental health can happen rapidly once our pets enter their golden years, making it vitally important to keep up with our pet’s changing needs. Continue…

Pet Orthopedic Surgery: Restoring Mobility And Promoting Healing

A rottweiler on a grey background

Injuries and diseases of the bone in pets are more common than most pet owners realize. Our pets play, run, spin, leap, and generally use their bodies in a variety of interesting and, sometimes dangerous, ways. Unfortunately, these youthful shenanigans can also have negative consequences.

Despite our best intentions, sometimes our pet’s activities can end up leading to bone, joint, and muscle injuries. In addition, many breeds carry with them genetic tendencies toward certain types of bone and joint damage, including, hip dysplasia, back and knee issues. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we’re equipped to handle these problems and more through the use of orthopedic surgery. Continue…

Your Bundle Of Joy: Puppy Care 101

A puppy laying on the floorBringing a new puppy home is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Those adorable paws, sweet puppy breath, sleepy snuggles, and sweet kisses not only cement the bond between you and your pup, but also make the more tedious tasks, such as house training, all the more bearable during your new puppy care time together.

Your newest family member needs much more than food and water to grow into a happy and thriving adult dog. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center we consider it our mission to provide you with the tools and support to help your new companion live a long and healthy life. Continue…

Not Just A Cage: The Benefits Of Crate Training For Dogs And Cats

dog in cage shelterMost pets will need to spend time in a crate or travel carrier at some point in their lives, whether it’s while being transported in a vehicle, during a boarding, grooming or a hospitalization stay, or in an emergency situation. Pets that are already familiar with and comfortable in a crate will experience significantly less stress and anxiety during those times when kenneling is required.

Although many people believe kenneling a pet is cruel, when used correctly, a crate can provide a safe haven for a dog or cat. Not only can it offer a quiet spot to rest, kenneling can help with overall training, as well. Continue…

A Well Trained Dog Is A Happy Dog: Obedience Care At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center

A dog out for a walk with their humanWe’ve all been around dogs who haven’t received proper training. Whether we have winced at the sound of an owner scolding a hapless pooch, or have been the victim of a misbehaving dog ourselves (think muddy paw prints on your clean pants thanks to your friend’s overly-exuberant spaniel), the benefits of having a well-behaved dog goes without saying.

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center we believe that obedience training is one of the most important aspects of raising a dog. Proper training in an ethical, humane way is a cornerstone for a lifetime of fun and companionship for both you and your dog. Continue…