When a Kiss Won’t Cut it: A Spotlight on Pet Pain Management

Pet pain management is key to your pet living a long life

When it comes to pet pain management, veterinary medicine has made tremendous strides in the past century. It’s now common knowledge that pets feel pain in much the same way as humans and that chronic pain can impair the healing process by interfering with immune function, decreasing appetite, and increasing anxiety.

Improving the quality and longevity of our patients’ lives is one of our top priorities. Let’s take a moment to focus on a pet’s pain and the various ways we can help manage it.

Recognizing Pet Pain

Recognizing signs of pain in pets is crucial for their care and comfort. Our pets can’t verbally communicate their discomfort, so it’s up to us as owners to observe and interpret changes in their behavior. Common signs that your pet might be in pain include:  

  • Sudden limping
  • Pacing
  • Crying out or growling
  • Excessive licking
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lack of grooming
  • Lethargy or decreased activity

Lifelong Learning at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center’s Canine Academy

Lone Tree Veterinary Hospital's canine academy can help dog behaviorWouldn’t it be wonderful if your puppy or dog arrived at your doorstep with perfect manners? Unfortunately, we all know this is hardly the reality. All dogs, regardless of age, require at least some training in order to learn how to navigate life with humans. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we understand the importance of humane obedience training. That’s why we employ a full-time certified dog trainer and offer a wide variety of training options in our Canine Academy program.

Behavior Matters

A well-behaved, properly socialized dog is a joy to be around and makes for a much safer environment. Untrained dogs pose a risk to other people, animals, and themselves, making obedience training as much about safety as it is about good behavior.

Properly trained dogs are also easier to bring along on hikes, camping trips, and other outings. Being able to include the family dog in your adventures is fun for everyone, and these shared experiences add up to a wonderful life together. Continue…

Keeping Illness at Bay with Pet Vaccinations

Pet vaccinations are designed to protect your pet against infectious diseases that could be fatal or greatly reduce your pet’s quality of life.Most of us know that our pets need to be vaccinated, and when we follow through with their regular wellness exams, this is usually done during the exam within the appropriate time frame. Knowing which vaccines your pet needs, however, as well as why and when, isn’t always something that’s widely understood by pet owners.

Since August is National Immunization Awareness Month, we at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center can’t think of a better time to discuss this important component of pet care.

Core and More

Pet vaccinations are designed to protect your pet against infectious diseases that could be fatal or greatly reduce your pet’s quality of life. Some are mandatory and some not. To add to the confusion, they’re not all given on the same schedule or at the same time.

Vaccines are categorized into two major groups as follows:   Continue…

Pet Safety During Fire Season

Pet Safety During Fire Season

In the greater Denver area and across Colorado and the West, wildfires are a serious concern, especially during a dry year. While it’s easy to understand the danger wildfires pose to people, homes and property, have you ever considered how wildfires affect our pets? The team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is here with tips for pet safety during the wildfire season!

Wildfire Evacuations

Suffice it to say that evacuations don’t always occur at a time that’s convenient for us. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead and know how to care for your pet should the need arise. Continue…

Tips for Safely Running With Your Dog

Dog Running Safety 101

For dog owners with energetic canines, bringing Fido along on your daily run can make good sense and be quite enjoyable. Regular exercise helps dogs stay fit, and can reduce anxiety and undesirable behaviors. Below are tips for safely running with your dog. Continue…

Cat Behavior Decoded: What Your Kitty Wants You to Know

Understanding cat behavior can be key in keeping your cat healthyFew companion animals are as captivating as the wonderfully delightful housecat. Their beauty, grace, and mysterious nature draws us to them, even if they don’t always return our affection when or how we want them to. Cat behavior is certainly perplexing, but by making a concerted effort to deepen our understanding of their instincts and desires, we can improve our relationships with them and create happier, more harmonious lives together.

Cat Behavior: Body Language

Cat behavior can range from cute to puzzling to downright annoying. It can be challenging to interpret what our cats want, but paying attention to their body language can give us clues as to what they’re thinking. Cats tend to show their affection for humans through head butting, twitching their tails, or rubbing their cheeks or bodies against us. Meowing is generally reserved for communication with humans and may signal hunger, happiness, or a desire to play. Continue…

The Ins and Outs of Heartworm Prevention

Mosquito abatement is critical to heartworm preventionMost pet owners are familiar with or have heard about heartworm disease. Heartworms are mosquito-borne, blood-dwelling parasites that make their home in the pulmonary artery, a major blood vessel between the heart and lungs, wreaking havoc on the cardiovascular systems of dogs and cats.

Thankfully, we have many safe, effective options available for our pets that can almost eliminate the chance of infection when properly administered. You probably give your dog or cat a heartworm preventive as recommended by our veterinarians at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center. Since heartworm preventives are commonly misunderstood, we’re going to zero in on the heartworm preventives we use, what they do, and why administering them correctly matters for them to work properly in preventing heartworm disease. Continue…

The Purrfect Scenario: Boarding Your Cat at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center

Cat boarding can be luxuriousTraveling with pets can be challenging, requiring a whole new set of preparations and safety precautions. Yet, on the other hand, the thought of leaving a beloved friend in the care of someone else can stir up feelings of worry, fear, and guilt.

In an ideal world, we’d never have to leave our pets behind when we have to travel, and many cat owners struggle with what to do with their beloved felines when they have to be away from home.

For the Love of Cats

Here at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, with our beautiful, new Cat Boarding Lodge, we’ve created a very special place for cats, so you don’t have to worry about your feline friend while you’re away. Whether you’re leaving your special companion for a short or long stay, you can rest assured that your sweet kitty will be receiving the absolute best care with us. Continue…

An Itch You Can’t Scratch: What to Do About Lice in Pets

Pets in lice is a real thingIf you’ve ever had to deal with a case of head lice, whether on yourself or your child, you know how upsetting it can be. Besides the “ick!” factor, treating a case of lice is time-consuming, frustrating, and can lead to many missed days of school and work.

Just like no one wants to see lice on their child, discovering your pet has lice can elicit a similar response. The intense itching and scratching can make pets (and their owners) a bit crazy, and tackling the issue head on (no pun intended) is ideal.

But First, The Good News

Dealing with lice in pets is certainly not one of the more pleasant aspects of pet ownership. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about catching the gruesome pests from your dog or cat. Lice are species-specific, meaning that they stick with one type of animal only. Cat lice can be transferred only to cats, dog lice only to dogs, and human lice only to humans. Phew! Continue…

A Brave New (Pain Free) World: All About CBD Oil for Pets

CBD oil for petsIn 2000, Colorado became one of the first states to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Since then, many other states have followed suit (29 to be exact). Nine states (including Colorado) have legalized its recreational use, as well.

What does this have to do with pets? More than you may realize. Not only have cases of marijuana toxicity in pets increased since marijuana laws began passing, but pet owners have also been turning to marijuana to try and help their pets with a variety of medical issues. Specifically, they’re seeking the oil extracted from the hemp plant, called cannabidiol oil (CBD oil) to treat their pet’s pain and other ailments.

The use of CBD oil for pets is growing in popularity, but is it right for your pet?
