Holiday Safety Tips for Pet Owners

The holidays are here. Learn how to keep your pets safe with our holiday safety tips.
It’s important to remember that decorations, décor and food can pique the interest of our pets and expose them to toxic or unsafe situations.
To help your pets safely enjoy the season, the team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has a few important reminders for pet owners and avoiding that unexpected visit to the emergency room.
Holiday Pet Safety Tips to Keep in Mind
Christmas Trees (Real & Artificial)
A lighted Christmas tree filled with dangling ornaments fascinates many pets. To prevent a tree disaster, securely weight and anchor your tree. For real trees, make sure to cover the tree’s water container.
Secure Lights & Ornaments
To prevent entanglement and electric shock, hang electric lights out of your pet’s reach. Hang ornaments out of reach. Tinsel presents pose hazards for pets, who can easily ingest them, leading to intestinal obstructions or other issues.
Safely Keep Pets Away
Place a citrus-scented diffuser or hide orange peels under the tree to keep pets away and it adds a fresh fragrance to your Christmas décor.
Holiday Foods
Many holiday foods contain ingredients that are toxic to pets. Fatty meats, chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, and anything sweetened with Xylitol should be avoided. Don’t give pets table scraps, and remind your guests to do the same.
Holiday Plants
Traditional holiday plants like poinsettias, holly, mistletoe, holly, lilies, and azaleas are poisonous. Keep these plants out of your home or place them where your pet can’t reach them.
Pet Behavior and Holiday Guests
Having festivities and unfamiliar people in the home can be stressful for even the calmest pet. Give your pet some down time. Set up a relaxing space for your pet in an out of the way room that includes bedding, fresh water, and favorite toys. Consider using a species-specific pheromone spray and play soft, calming music.
Sharing the Season
In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be easy to overlook our sweet pets! Spend time with your pet each day. Walking, playing, or just sitting quietly together, is a wonderful way to honor the unconditional love our pets give to us each and every day.
Final Thoughts on Holiday Pet Safety
We hope you, your family and your pet have a wonderful Christmas season. Call us if you have any questions regarding our holiday pet safety tips.