Deciphering Pet Food Labels:  What You Need To Know

pet food labelsAt first glance, feeding your dog or cat appears to be the easiest aspect of pet ownership. You simply grab a bag of pet food off the shelf at your local grocery store, pour some in a bowl, and place it on the floor. Right?

Well, not exactly. Today’s discerning pet owner is quite aware of the overwhelming array of pet food choices available, and sifting through the options can be downright overwhelming.  Grain-free, gluten-free, corn-free, organic, raw – the list of potential “best” diets for a given pet seems to be never-ending.


Canned vs. Dry: The Pet Food Debate

A retriever dog eating from a bowlFeeding your pet seems like it should be a relatively simple task; simply buy some food and pour it in your pet’s bowl, right? Of course, most pet owners realize that selecting and feeding our pets is more complicated than that, and many of us struggle with the conflicting information surrounding pet food.

One of the biggest questions when it comes to feeding our pets is whether to choose canned or dry food.  At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we understand that your pet’s health and wellness begins with a high quality diet, and we want to help you make informed choices in selecting the right pet food for your furry friend.


Low-Fat Life: Avoiding Pancreatitis in Pets

A dog and cat eating at the table‘Tis the season for holiday foods, and with tables full of seasonal delights this time of year, it’s easy to overindulge. For most people, a few extra helpings of mashed potatoes and gravy or Grandma’s pumpkin pie probably won’t have any repercussions beyond a little indigestion and maybe a tighter waistband. For our pets, however, indulging in holiday foods can have more significant consequences.

Pancreatitis in pets is a serious condition that can result from ingesting even small amounts of very rich or fatty foods. Learning how to spot the symptoms of pancreatitis and better yet, how to prevent it, is important for every pet owner to know.
