Posts in Category: You & Your Pet
Pet DNA Testing: The Inside Scoop
DNA testing for humans is nothing new. We regularly rely on the results of these types of tests to determine paternity, figure out our ancestry, and even check for the probability of developing certain inherited diseases. It only makes sense that, given the ease and relative low cost of genetic testing technology, that pet DNA testing would become a booming industry.
How Pet DNA Testing Works
Pet DNA testing made its debut in 2007, and it’s become increasingly popular in recent years due to its wide availability and ease of use. The basic do-it-yourself DNA test kit comes with the items needed to ready a sample for testing. Here’s how this test works:
- Swab the inside of your pet’s cheek with the brush provided
- Prepare the sample following the manufacturer’s instructions
- Mail the sample back to the company using the provided packaging
To the Rescue: Putting Together a Pet First Aid Kit
Ensuring you have a comprehensive pet first aid kit and the knowledge to employ it is crucial for pet owners in emergency readiness. Our furry friends rely on us for their well-being. Yet, many of us overlook preparing for unforeseen circumstances, such as being equipped to handle pet injuries.
At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we believe that having a well-stocked pet first aid kit, and knowing how to use it, is an essential part of emergency preparedness for any pet owner.
Creating a Pet First Aid Kit
We recommend that pet owners carry a pet first aid kit in their car and also keep one in an easily accessible location in the home. Pet first aid kits can be purchased ready-made from pet supply stores or online (here’s one we like) or you can make your own from scratch.
Marijuana Toxicity in Pets
Pot, weed, Mary Jane…no matter what you call it, marijuana needs no introduction, especially to Colorado residents. Medical marijuana became legal in Colorado in 2000, and in November of 2012, voters approved an amendment to the state constitution to legalize marijuana for recreational use. In January of 2014, the approved amendment became law.
Since marijuana use was first legalized, veterinarians across Colorado have seen a dramatic increase in cases of marijuana toxicity in pets. In fact, a Colorado-based study published in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care showed that the number of pets treated for marijuana poisoning quadrupled between 2005-2010. After the 2014 implementation of the recreational use law, our own veterinarians saw an uptick in the number of marijuana toxicity cases they were treating at our facility.
We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby: The Evolution of Modern Pet Ownership
According to anthropologists, it was the wolf that helped bridge the gap between humans and four-legged animals several thousand years ago, giving humans an advantage over the Neanderthal populations that dominated at the that time.
Early humans succeeded in domesticating wolves to help guard their camps, alert them to danger, and help them with the hunting of mammoths and other large mammals. Cats joined the picture later on, during the rise of agriculture, and became valued for their ability to keep mice and other vermin out of homes, barns, and grain stores. With the help of these synergistic relationships, early humans managed to survive in a very primitive world.
Face Value: Finding Credible Pet Health Information
Understanding the various aspects of pet health and wellness is an important part of pet ownership, but finding answers to our questions isn’t always easy. There are so many sources of information available to us today, along with many conflicting viewpoints, that figuring out where to find credible pet health information can be a challenge.
The Perils of Dr. Google
With the digital age firmly in place, it’s natural to turn to the internet when we have a question or suspect a problem. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to discern whether or not the information we find is accurate. Some of the common problems that can result from consulting “Dr. Google” instead of your trusted family veterinarian include:
The Marvelous Mutt: Why Mixed-Breed Dogs Make Great Pets
The Westminster Dog Show (February 14–15) never fails to showcase the most exceptional of the purebred dogs. Dog enthusiasts everywhere have much to admire in the many beautiful, top notch qualities showcased in this fur-filled pageant.
There’s one breed you won’t find competing for Best in Show, and that is the mutt. Although mixed-breed dogs make an appearance in agility competitions, they won’t be winning the big award at the end of the night.
Indeed, humble mutts are rarely in the spotlight, but that hasn’t stopped them from becoming popular pets. There is much to love about mutts and so many reasons why they make wonderful pets!
Pets, Pets Everywhere: The World’s Most Popular Pets
Choosing a family pet is an important life decision, one that will affect not only the quality of your daily life, but the health and welfare of the pet you’re considering to bring into your home. There are so many factors to consider when deciding which type of pet is right for you; space, cost, activity level, and time commitment, to name a few.
By taking a look at some of the most popular pets in the U.S. and world at large, we might get a better idea of which types of animals people enjoy living with, and why.
Your Guide to the Smartest Pet Breeds
We’ve all read and heard stories about intelligent pets: the dog that can figure out how to open the fridge and help himself to a snack, or the cat that seeks out a sick or sad family member to snuggle with and comfort.
It goes without saying that our own pets are blessed with above average intelligence, of course, but have you ever wondered what actually constitutes intelligence in pets, and how the smartest pet breeds are determined?
Fancy Feet: The Importance of Pet Nail Trimming
Have you been hearing the telltale click of Fido’s nails on your kitchen floor lately? Has Whiskers taken to shredding the corner of the leather sofa again? If so, it may be time to trim your pet’s nails.
For many pets and their owners, pet nail trimming can be a task that invokes fear and dread. Your friends at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center understand your apprehension and want to help you get started on this important health and wellness task.
Question of the Day: Why Do Some People Look like Their Pets?
We’ve all seen the funny memes about pet owners and their four-legged best pals who so closely resemble each other, that it’s hard to ignore the reality of it. Spend enough time in dog parks and you’ll start to see it for yourself; the woman whose hairstyle matches her poodle’s fluffy fur, or the man whose thin face and narrow nose are eerily reminiscent of his purebred greyhound’s features.
Since every pet owner knows that his or her pet is the cutest one in the world, it’s certainly not an insult to consider that we may resemble our best pals somewhat. As it turns out, there is actual science behind why some people look like their pets.