Sick or Injured Pet Care
If your dog or cat is sick or injured, the medical team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has the expertise to help. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience regarding veterinary internal medicine, and our chief veterinarian is board certified with the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in canine and feline clinical practice. All of our specialized knowledge, advanced diagnostic capabilities, and high-quality treatment and management solutions combine to create a comprehensive resource for your pet’s medical needs.
Using our advanced resources in all areas of internal medicine and infectious diseases, we can address your pet’s problems efficiently and effectively.
In the case where diagnostic tools beyond the scope of our facility are needed, such as CAT scan or MRI, we will utilize, or refer you to, other board certified specialists who have the additional expertise in these areas. It is our professional commitment to provide the best possible care for your pet.

A Focus on Endocrinology
The endocrine system produces the hormones that control several important functions in your pet’s body. These functions include the management of your pet’s body temperature, appetite, metabolism, development, and reproductive functions. Since the endocrine system is important to your pet’s overall health, we take special care to monitor it.
Among the most common disorders related to the endocrine system are thyroid and adrenal disease. These illnesses are much more common in older pets. Symptoms vary, but may include weight gain or loss, hair loss, excessive eating, or a rapid heartbeat.
We can perform a variety of diagnostic tests in order to identify issues early on. Preventive blood tests will also allow us to check your pet’s hormone levels and organ function.
Endocrine disorders and other internal diseases can be very serious, so it’s always better for diagnosis to happen sooner rather than later. Regular exams allow our medical staff to identify problems early on and take the necessary measures to keep your pet healthy.
Call us at (303) 708-8050 today to set up an appointment.