Whisker Fatigue in Cats

Whisker Fatigue is a term you may not have heard of. Whisker fatigue is actually a condition among cats that can cause significant stress.
The Incredible Whisker
It’s hard to imagine a cat without a set of luxurious, adorable whiskers. The primary function of whiskers is to serve as touch receptors that tell a cat a great deal about the world around them.
Whiskers transmit information about a cat’s environment via tiny sensory organs known as proprioceptors. These organs are located at the base of each whisker. They help cats navigate their environment in the dark, hunt for prey and determine whether or not they can fit into a tight space.
What Causes Whisker Fatigue?
Whiskers, much like any other sensory organ, can suffer from overstimulation under the right circumstances. Whisker fatigue doesn’t exactly mean the whiskers are tired. Rather, they become stressed from overuse. The most common cause is deep food bowls and water dishes.
Signs of Whisker Fatigue include:
- Pacing around the food or water bowl
- Acting hungry but not eating from the bowl
- Dropping food out of the bowl to eat it on the floor
- Making a mess around the bowl while eating or drinking
- Leaving food in the bowl but continuing to act hungry
- Rubbing the sides of their face on objects or the floor
- Being ill tempered, biting, or scratching
Culprit – Small Food and Water Bowls
Small, high-sided bowls typically used for feeding a cat’s food and water are usually to blame for whisker fatigue. As the cat attempts to eat or drink, the whiskers repeatedly brush against the sides of the bowl. This can cause reactions ranging from irritation to pain, depending on the sensitivity of the cat’s whiskers.
Cats that experience whisker fatigue or whisker stress may show it by not settling down in front of its food bowl, eating only out of the center of the bowl, trying to get the food out of the bowl or tipping it over to eat off the floor.
A Simple Solution
Whisker-friendly food and water bowls are great solution for whisker fatigue. Whisker-friendly bowls are wide and shallow that allow cats to eat without their whiskers touching the sides. To help encourage your cat to drink water, choose a water fountain with a wide bowl.
Talk To Your Veterinarian
If you suspect something more serious may be going on with your cat or just have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center. We love helping cats live healthy and happy lives!