How to Help Animal Shelters and Rescues During the Holidays

From volunteering to donating, there are many ways for pet lovers to help animal shelters and rescues during the holidays.
Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has put together a list of ways you and your family can help pets in need this holiday season, as well as all year long.
Donate Supplies
Animals in shelters and rescues require food, blankets, toys and medications. You can donate supplies from your home or contact a shelter for a list.
Donate Money
Shelters often see an increase in pet surrenders during the holidays. Monetary donations can help with food, medicine, and other daily needs.
Volunteer At Your Local Shelter or Rescue
Volunteering your time at a local animal rescue means a lot to the animals in need. You can volunteer to clean kennels, groom pets, prepare food, clean food and water bowls, and walk pets. You can help care for animals while they wait for adoption.
Pet Food Drive
Many low-income families face challenges with the rising costs of pet care. By donating pet food and supplies to your local food bank or shelter, you can help prevent families from having to make the heartbreaking choice to surrender a beloved pet due to financial hardship.
Foster A Pet
When you foster a pet, you help them thrive as they wait for their forever home. If you’re unsure about committing long-term, you can start by becoming a temporary foster.
Local Impact
Donations and volunteering are the lifeblood of local rescue organizations. Over the years, Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has partnered with several Colorado shelters and rescues by donating exams, medical care, orthopedic surgery, food and supplies. From the small individually-run rescue My Fairy Dawg Mother, to the larger and well-known, such as the Denver Dumb Friends League and the La Plata County Humane Society.
There are so many ways you can help animal rescues and shelters during the holidays. Whether it be organizing and assisting with transports, helping fundraising efforts, contributing money and supplies, or simply donating your time at the shelter with whatever is needed, your efforts will be greatly appreciated.
Are you making the season brighter for homeless pets this year? Share your efforts on our Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center Facebook page. We look forward to seeing how you and your family are making a difference for pets in need!