You Hold The Key: The Link Between Kindness And Pet Well-Being

pet well-beingGertrude Weaver of Arkansas was 116 years old when she died in 2015. As the oldest living person at the time of her death, she attributed her longevity to a healthy lifestyle and a good dose of kindness and compassion toward others. Weaver’s motto was “Treat people right and be nice to other people the way you want them to be nice to you.”

Plenty of studies back up Ms. Weaver’s claim that kindness is a key to well-being, and for most of us, our kindness and considerations extend beyond our two-legged friends and toward the four-legged friends also in our lives.

We know that the pet well-being is improved with good medical care, disease prevention and proper diet, but can it be enhanced by kindness? We certainly think so, because kindness offers the emotional support that pets also need, including, compassion and empathy. These, in turn, provide security and a sense of belonging, which ultimately leads to contentment.
